If you would like to become a member of “PACS” the Prescott Area Celtic Society, please come to one of our meetings on the 3rd Monday of the month. Please Call for information 928-642-0020, our meetings are held at 5:30 pm. at


PACS Monthly meetings are held at 5:30pm on the 3rd Monday of each month. at: 

Gurley Street Grill (Ground Floor Patio)
230 W. Gurley Street
Prescott, Az 86310

Need Information PACS PHONE 928-642-0020

PACS Email 

To Join Use Our On-line Form at: On-Line Membership Form 

You can also fill out the attached form and mail it to:

Membership at:

Prescott Area Celtic Society
PO Box 12912
Prescott, Arizona 86304-2912

Dues are $10 for single and $15 per couple per year.

Call Lisa Scott, President for more information 928-642-0020

You can also, send and email to: PACS Email